Repipe work

The 3 Best Materials To Use When Repiping Your House

There comes a time in every homeowner’s life when they need to consider a house repiping and the repipe materials that will be used during the process of replacing their home’s old pipes. For most people, this happens when one, or more bursts and starts leaking. But you should try to avoid the unnecessary cost that comes with this type of home repair. No matter what your pipes are made of, at some point they will need to be replaced or even updated. 

Many older homes were built using iron or galvanized steel pipes and both of these are known for corroding over time, plus iron pipes are not considered a healthy option. Advances in technology have brought about a new selection of materials that meet the current safety standards. So what is the best pipe to use for plumbing? 

Today, pipes are made from both metal and plastics. Both types of materials have their advantages and disadvantages. To make an informed decision keep reading to learn about the pipe choices available to you. If you are still unsure of which is better, pex or copper, give us a call and one of our plumbers will walk you through this decision.



Repipe Materials Chosen for This Orange County Home were PEX pipes

Repiping with CPVC Pipes

Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride, or more commonly known as CPVC, is a plastic material commonly used in plumbing systems. CPVC is popular for two very different reasons. One, it can withstand high temperatures which makes it ideal for drainpipes and hot water pipes. And two, it is more cost-effective than many of the other pipe choices. 

But when the whole house needs to be refitted, CPVC may not be the best choice. It is useful for smaller projects. Over time the material becomes brittle and may crack or burst. For this reason, it is not a cost-effective material for the entire plumbing system of your home.

Repipe with Copper Pipes

The most common material used is copper pipes in homes. Plumbers and homeowners alike tend to prefer working with copper. One of the reasons for this is it holds up for many years and withstands overall corrosion. However, it can be damaged due to pitted corrosion. Sometimes, small holes will appear in copper pipes. These holes are caused by the mineral content in the water or in the soil that surrounds the pipes.

Repiping with PEX Pipes

Cross-linked polyethylene, or PEX, is the new standard when it comes to repiping your house. Since it is made of plastic it is a more cost-effective alternative to copper. Pex is easier to install and lighter in weight, reducing shipping costs too. In rare instances, PEX can split, but overall the material is quite durable and should last many years.

So, what is the best repipe materials to use for plumbing?

The answer to the question of what is the best repipe materials we need to look at a few variables. Things to consider are what region of the country is your home located in? Do you experience either extreme heat in the summer? Or extreme cold in the winter? If your home has a crawlspace or basement under it, then copper pipes may be the best choice. But if your neighborhood is known for pitted corrosion, then PEX is what you need. To get a clearer idea of what repipe and repipe materials would work best for you house, call Repipe 1. We are the experts and will be able to help you make the right choice.

Signs your pipes need to be replaced

If you see any of the following signs, it is time to call a plumber for an inspection.


    • The sewer often clogs.

    • You are experiencing low water pressure.

    • You start seeing flakes of rust in your water.

    • An unusually high water usage/bill.

After the inspection, the plumber will go over their findings with you. In many cases, it may be that you have a pipe or two that just need to be repaired. Or, they may find that the entire system needs to be replaced. And although this may seem like a costly job, in the long run, it is worth the investment. Repiping your house doesn’t just improve the water quality, it can bring you peace of mind too. And it is hard to put a price on that.

If you have questions or need your pipes inspected give us a call today.