
PEX to Copper: Ultimate Guide for Plumbing Conversions

Embarking on a repiping project can be daunting, but with our guide for Pex and Copper, you’ll have all the necessary information at your disposal. This comprehensive guide will provide in-depth knowledge on PEX and copper plumbing systems, as well as expert advice on how to successfully connect these two distinct materials.

In this blog post, we will explore the fundamentals of PEX-to-copper connections by discussing their advantages over traditional metal plumbing systems and examining different manufacturing methods for producing PEX pipe. We’ll also address temperature limitations when working with both materials.

Furthermore, our step-by-step guide will walk you through connecting PEX to copper pipes using various fittings while avoiding common mistakes that can lead to issues down the line. To ensure optimal system dimensions, we’ll introduce pipe-sizing calculators and design tools specifically tailored for plumbing systems with PEX pipes.

Last but not least, we’ll share valuable tips on PEX fittings installation for a leak-free connection. With “Pex to Copper: The Ultimate Guide for Plumbing Conversions” at your fingertips, rest assured that your repiping project will be executed seamlessly and efficiently.

PEX Pipe: The Future of Plumbing

Move over, copper pipes, there’s a new kid in town – PEX pipe. The adaptability, installation convenience and anti-corrosion properties of PEX are making it the chosen option for contemporary plumbing systems.

Connecting PEX to Copper Pipes

  • Use appropriate fittings, such as COLD EXPANSION FITTINGS for safe and efficient connections.
  • Invest in a MILWAUKEE COLD EXPANSION TOOL to a secure fit.
  • Follow manufacturer guidelines for installation techniques to ensure a long-lasting connection.

Types of PEX Manufacturing Processes

  1. PEX-a: The Engel-method produces a highly flexible and stress-crack resistant product.
  2. PEX-b: The Silane method creates a slightly stiffer product but still offers excellent performance characteristics.
  3. PEX-c: The Electron beam or radiation method produces a more rigid material compared to PEX-a and b, but with similar durability and performance qualities.

Temperature Limitations

While copper can handle higher temperatures than PEX, most residential plumbing systems operate well below PEX’s maximum operating temperature of around 200°F (93°C).

So, whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or a professional plumber, consider using PEX pipe and its associated fittings and tools for a hassle-free and reliable plumbing system.

How to Connect PEX to Copper Pipes: A Step-by-Step Guide

Connecting your PEX tubing to copper pipes can be a breeze if you follow these simple steps.

Preparing Copper Tubing Ends Before Soldering Sweat Adapters

  1. Clean the copper pipe with a scouring implement or abrasive material.
  2. Apply flux evenly around both ends of the joint.
  3. Solder one end of a brass sweat adapter onto each cleaned and prepped copper pipe end.

Utilizing Lead-Free Silver Solder During Heating Process

Use lead-free silver solder when connecting PEX pipes to copper fittings for safety and compliance with plumbing codes.

Types of Fittings Available for Connecting Tubes Together

  • Sweat adapters: Brass fittings that require soldering onto prepared ends.
  • Crimp connections: Use a crimping tool and metal rings to secure the connection.
  • Compression connections: Involve tightening nuts onto both ends of tubes after inserting ferrules.
  • Push-fit connections: Quick and easy solutions that don’t require special tools or soldering.

By following these steps and using appropriate techniques, you can successfully connect your PEX pipes with existing copper plumbing systems without any hassles along the way. For more information on PEX pipes and COLD EXPANSION fittings, check out Repipe1.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Connecting PEX to Copper Plumbing Systems

Don’t make these common mistakes when connecting PEX pipes to copper plumbing systems.

Failing to use proper tools and materials for the job


Not taking into account PEX’s sensitivity to sunlight exposure

  • Sunlight Exposure: PEX pipes can become brittle and break apart under pressure if left exposed to sunlight, so store them indoors and use shade structures when working outside.
  • Temperature Limitations: Be cautious when using hot water appliances or heating systems with PEX pipes, which have a lower temperature resistance than copper.

Follow manufacturer guidelines and local building codes to ensure a safe and efficient plumbing system for years to come.

Pipe Sizing Calculators and Design Tools for Plumbing Systems with PEX Pipes

When planning a plumbing project with PEX pipe, use accurate calculations to determine optimal dimensions for an efficient, high-performing setup.

How Pipe-Sizing Calculators Work

Pipe-sizing calculators consider fixture unit tables, flow rates, and pressure requirements to determine appropriate dimensions for copper and PEX pipes components.

Importance of Accurate Calculations

Incorrect sizing could lead to low water pressure, insufficient hot water supply, or excessive wear on appliances. Use reliable pipe-sizing calculators provided by reputable manufacturers.

Popular calculators include:

  • Uponor’s Pipe Sizing Calculator
  • REMOVE Viega LoopCAD Design Software
  • Plumbing Engineer’s Pipe Sizing Calculator

Utilize these tools and adhere to best practices for plumbing design to ensure optimal PEX-to-copper connections within a well-designed system.

Get a Leak-Free Connection with Threaded PEX Fittings

Connecting PEX pipes with copper plumbing systems is easy with threaded fittings, but you need to follow these tips to avoid leaks.

Prepare Your PEX Pipe for a Threaded Fitting

  • Clean the pipes: Use sandpaper or emery cloth to remove debris or dirt from your PEX and copper pipes.
  • Cut straight: Use ratchet-style cutters to create straight cuts on your cross-linked polyethylene tubing.
  • Add support inserts: Use support inserts inside each tube end to prevent leaks at connections between different types of pipes.

Wrap Plumber’s Tape Correctly

  1. Determine directionality: Figure out which way threads run along the male adapter piece to avoid unwinding during tightening procedures.
  2. Apply tape: Hold the end of plumber’s tape against the male threads and wrap it tightly in a clockwise direction, overlapping each layer by about half its width.
  3. Avoid overlapping: Take care not to cover the first thread completely while wrapping to avoid issues when screwing the female counterpart onto the male one later.

By following these tips, you can save time and money by ensuring leak-free connections between your PEX tubing and copper plumbing systems.

Make sure to use proper tools and materials and accurate pipe-sizing calculations beforehand.

For more information on PEX plumbing systems and copper plumbing applications, check out this resource.

PEX to Copper: the Ultimate Guide for Plumbing Conversions

PEX or copper for plumbing: Which do plumbers prefer?

Plumbers may have different preferences, but many opt for PEX due to its flexibility, easy installation, and lower cost, while some still choose copper for its durability and corrosion resistance.

How to transition from PEX to copper pipes?

To transition from PEX to copper, use a compatible fitting like a brass or plastic push-fit connector or a sweat adapter, and ensure proper preparation of both pipe ends before connecting them together.

Can PEX be connected to copper?

Yes, PEX tubing can be connected to existing copper plumbing systems using approved fittings like push-fit connectors or sweat adapters, ensuring an effective seal between both materials and maintaining overall system integrity.

PEX vs copper pipes: What is their life expectancy?

When it comes to PEX vs copper pipes, PEX pipes typically lasts 40-50 years under normal conditions, while high-quality copper pipes can last up to 70-100 years. Factors like water quality and environmental conditions affect their longevity.

Enquire With Repipe1 Today

Looking to connect PEX to copper pipes? Check out our ultimate guide for plumbing conversions, complete with step-by-step instructions and tips to avoid pesky leaks.

Whether you’re a plumbing pro or a DIY enthusiast, our guide offers valuable insights into the best practices for working with both materials.

With our help, you can ensure a leak-free connection that will stand the test of time.

  • Learn the advantages and challenges of connecting PEX to copper pipes.
  • Follow our step-by-step guide for a seamless conversion.
  • Avoid common mistakes that can lead to leaks.
  • Refer back to our guide as needed for all your repiping needs.

Trust us, your pipes will thank you.